
Yes, please register to our Vulnerability Research Hub (VRH) platform to use its template and speed up the validation and confirmation of your discovery.
After assessing and approving the research, we will send you the final acquisition offer and the agreement. By signing the agreement, you accept the exclusive sale (unless differently agreed) of your research to Crowdfense and fully transfer all related intellectual property rights to us, meaning that the research becomes the exclusive property of Crowdfense. You are not allowed to re-sell, share, publish, or report the research to any other person or entity at any time.
Our submission process is straightforward. All research and exploits must be sent to Crowdfense using our Vulnerability Research Hub (VRH) platform. Initial submission must include the required specifications, necessary to evaluate your submission, alongside a video POC. All final submissions must include a fully functional exploit with source code, a technical analysis including a description of the root cause of the bug(s) and exploitation method(s).
Sure, you can receive a pre-offer for your research without disclosing it. Simply submit minimal technical details alongside a video POC on our Vulnerability Research Hub (VRH) platform. We will evaluate the details and send you a pre-offer if the research meets our requirements. The offer will be confirmed after we review, assess and approve the complete research.